An older man, his head resting on his hands, which are folded over a wooden cane.

Planning for the Future: Essential Steps for Long-Term Care

Long-term care (LTC) refers to a range of services intended to meet the personal and health care needs of individuals over an extended period. These services can be necessary for anyone who has a chronic illness, disability, or cognitive impairment, such as dementia. As life expectancy increases and medical advancements continue, more people are likely…

An older woman embracing her husband from behind.

5 Ways You Can Prepare for Healthcare Expenses in Retirement

Healthcare expenses are projected to be the highest spending category in retirement, with a report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute estimating that a 65-year-old couple may need $383,000 in savings to cover their medical costs. It is essential to have a solid plan in place due to the increasing healthcare costs and longer life expectancy.1 …

An older couple sitting at the kitchen table. They are both wearing button-up blue shirts. Both are looking at a calculator, and they are revising a document with an ink pen.

America’s Retirement Crisis: How State Plan and Employer Plan Options Aim to Secure Our Future

As America’s retirement crisis looms larger than ever, with nearly half of the population fearing financial instability in their golden years, innovative state plans and employer-driven solutions are stepping in to bridge the savings gap and ensure a secure future for all.

A man and a woman, both wearing yellow shirts, are signing a document together.

Retirement Spending – How Not to Overspend or Outlive Your Savings

Saving for retirement is something many of us are encouraged to participate in throughout our working lives. In a recent Bryn Mawr Trust survey about women and retirement, 826 women (age 40+) said that their top sources of wealth are careers, followed by saving and budgeting, with 40% selecting retirement as the leading life event that impacts their financial planning.1 The rules and guidelines for how much to save and where are readily available, but there needs to be more professional guidance for when we finally reach retirement and begin spending it.