Social Security Changes in 2025: What You Need to Know

Social Security Changes in 2025: What You Need to Know

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has announced significant changes for 2025, reflecting ongoing efforts to adjust the program in response to inflation, wage growth, and evolving economic conditions. These updates include a higher cost-of-living adjustment, revisions to the earnings test thresholds, and increases in maximum benefits. Here’s a comprehensive look at the major updates. Cost-of-Living…

Three business workers having a discussion.
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Key Policy Changes in 2025 Impacting Your Financial Planning

As 2025 approaches, policy shifts under a new Trump administration are taking shape. For investors, understanding the new tax, healthcare, and retirement landscape is crucial to navigating the future. Here are some of the most impactful potential policy changes and how they may influence your financial planning. Tax Reform One primary goal is the continuation…

Required Minimum Distributions

Essential Reminder: Take Your Required Minimum Distributions

As the year draws to a close, retirees need to remember to take their Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from retirement accounts. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) mandates this annual withdrawal for individuals who have reached a certain age, and failing to take it can result in significant penalties. Required Minimum Distributions are the minimum amounts…

Five Key Investment Moves to Make Before Year-End
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Five Key Investment Moves to Make Before Year-End

Heading into the end of the year, as you contemplate the ramifications of the recent presidential election, prepare your Thanksgiving celebration, and compose your holiday gift lists, it’s a good time to assess your financial foundation. Here are five essential investment moves to consider before the new year. 1. Review and Adjust Your Risk Exposure…

Two people sitting at a table reviewing their finances.

How Much Are You Budgeting for Retirement?

Many long-term financial plans involve setting a target for a total amount of savings. Sometimes, this target is framed as multiples of income, and other times as a general round number. These goals are helpful in the accumulation phase of our lives, but it is also financially prudent to estimate what your spending might be…

An older man, his head resting on his hands, which are folded over a wooden cane.

Planning for the Future: Essential Steps for Long-Term Care

Long-term care (LTC) refers to a range of services intended to meet the personal and health care needs of individuals over an extended period. These services can be necessary for anyone who has a chronic illness, disability, or cognitive impairment, such as dementia. As life expectancy increases and medical advancements continue, more people are likely…

An older woman embracing her husband from behind.

5 Ways You Can Prepare for Healthcare Expenses in Retirement

Healthcare expenses are projected to be the highest spending category in retirement, with a report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute estimating that a 65-year-old couple may need $383,000 in savings to cover their medical costs. It is essential to have a solid plan in place due to the increasing healthcare costs and longer life expectancy.1 …

An older couple sitting at the kitchen table. They are both wearing button-up blue shirts. Both are looking at a calculator, and they are revising a document with an ink pen.

America’s Retirement Crisis: How State Plan and Employer Plan Options Aim to Secure Our Future

As America’s retirement crisis looms larger than ever, with nearly half of the population fearing financial instability in their golden years, innovative state plans and employer-driven solutions are stepping in to bridge the savings gap and ensure a secure future for all.