Category: Newsworthy Topics

Navigating Uncertainty: How to Think About Risk

Do you ever reflect on things you did as a teenager or young adult and wonder what was going through your mind at the time? Maybe you participated in some thrill-seeking adventure and got lost, or maybe you were a bit foolish (or a lot foolish). Perhaps you were the opposite and never got into any trouble whatsoever, always on your best behavior. Fast forward to today, you think back on those days and the fun you had, lessons learned, regrets, and how they shaped your character.

Managing Fixed Income in Today’s Environment

Bond yields have remained elevated this year as anticipated rate cuts continue to get pushed out into the future. The combination of strong U.S. economic growth, a healthy labor market, and elevated inflation have contributed to a patient Federal Reserve and a federal funds target range of 5.25%-5.50%, a level reached back in July 2023. As of April 15, 2024, the entire U.S. Treasury yield curve was above 4.0% contributing to a benign environment for income-seeking investors. 

A Comprehensive Guide to Trust Asset Management

Trust asset management requires a multifaceted approach to managing the day-to-day running of a portfolio that encompasses, among other things, strategic asset allocation, fiduciary responsibilities, risk management and a keen understanding of tax implications. Trustees must navigate a complex landscape to fulfill their obligations, optimize financial outcomes, and align investments with the trust’s goals and beneficiaries’ needs.

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